Hello!, Compadre.
For many years I've desired to put to paper my parent's story. They are first-generation Mexican immigrants who came to the United States at a very young age. From them, I learned compassion, understanding, trust, dedication, tenacity, love, humility, and a healthy dose of ambition. My hope is that this series of short stories gives you all a greater appreciation for the country so many are willing to belittle and shame, the U.S.
My parents gave much to this country and much was given to them in return. It has been 14 years since I've seen my mother and 12 years since I've seen my father. After waiting for so long, my parents are finally eligible for residency. I will be seeing them soon. I'd like to surprise them by sharing the reactions everyone has to their life's story with them. If their lives can motivate you to greater heights of success, I will consider my time writing these stories worthwhile. Thank you!, Compadres!
-What Is Owed-
(From my father's perspective)
We are owed nothing. At 12 years old and barely a youth, I understood this. Growing up, Mexico was not a forgiving place to those without. You don’t work, you don’t eat, right? Wrong. Here you work and still don’t eat. A dilemma we were only too familiar with.
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